Information Management

Information technologies have become an indispensable part of everyday business life. Managers must therefore think about how the technologies can be used in a meaningful and value-creating way in the company. Questions can include:

  • How do companies use information systems to improve processes and structures?
  • How can companies use information technologies to improve products and services?
  • How do the systems used have to be (technically) designed so that they support companies and executives in their processes and decisions?

We address these and other questions in our research with the thematic focus on "Information Management".

Sample topics:

  • Information Modeling
  • Augmentation of Work
  • Automation of decisions
  • Algorithmic support
  • Business Intelligence Architectures


BMBF_IB CNPQ Transreg: International research network for e-Government between Germany and Brazil

The Project "TransReq" focused on front office design, back office design and strategic controlling in public administrations. For this purpose, information systems, methods, and other instruments had been developed at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) in other projects. In the "TransReq" project these results were transferred and extended based on a previously established research network of Brazilian and German universities.

A major requirement…

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FIM: Federal Information Management

Many public administrations maintain their information on administrative procedures on their own. This leads to a heterogeneous information landscape. It is, however, crucial for maintaining a reliable public service that same content is always described the same. Here, the FIM project comes into play. It is the goal to build up an information management that supports information exchange across all federal levels between internal processes and between public administrations and citizens (public service). This will be achieved by combining functional and technical Standardization.



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FlexNet: Flexible Information Systems Architectures for Service Networks

NOBLE-DS: Nonparametric Bayesian Learning in Distributed Systems

Cooperation Experience: Software prototypes for perceptible integration

In product service system networks manufacturers and service organizations collaborate for providing customers with individualized solutions. Cooperation Experience focuses on developing a methodology that allows to conceptualize these networks, with a special focus on the required coordination between the participating actors’ tasks. With this method and a supporting test environment, the collaboration between the actors is visualized and the impacts and requirements for inter-organizational information flows and document exchanges are explicated. For supporting the application of the method, reference contents are generated and integrated into the supporting prototypical tools. Within this project, the University of Muenster is responsible for the design and implementation of these software prototypes.


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Journal Articles

Book Contributions

Conference Contributions
