Service Systems

We develop theories, methods, techniques, and software tools in the research area "Service Systems" to support decision-makers and developers in the conception and modeling of services as well as the design of information systems for the configuration, marketing, and delivery of services.

We are particularly concerned with innovative services based on modern technologies such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud Computing, or Blockchains. The connection of smart objects and distributed information systems offers the possibility of personalized and contextualized services. The basis for this is the continuous collection and analysis of data about their interactions with customers, partners, and suppliers. Such services can be pre-emptive, self-(re)configuring, and scalable.

Example topics:

  • Digital Platforms
  • Ecosystems Analytics
  • Platform Ecosystems
  • Service Engineering
  • Service Management
  • Smart Service Systems


smartmarket²: smartmarket²: Mobile application development for location-based services


smartmarket² adapts successful strategies from online retailing to high street retailing to create interactive customer experiences. The goal is to strengthen the versatility and the attractiveness of high streets and city centers, and to reinforce the individual business models of local retailers against their common competition with online retailing.


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FOKUS:SE: FOKUS:SE - Researcher Network Service Engineering

Services are highly relevant to the economy and the society. The market success and quality of services depend on their concept and design. The DFG-sponsered research network "FOKUS:SE" connects different German research institutions, which are doing theoretical and practical research on service engineering.



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CrowdStrom: User Acceptance and Service Design

PUSH: PUSH Münsterland

PUSH Münsterland aims at making SME in the project region aware of business opportunities arising from customer solutions that consist of physical products and services. The project will collect knowledge and best practices residing at universities and companies in the project region, and it will create innovative methods and tools to make that resources accessible by the SMEs.


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SSI: Sustainable Smart Industry

Industry 4.0 is the term used to describe the intelligent digitalisation and networking of industrial value creation. The German government’s high-tech strategy sees Industry 4.0 as a major project that will help maintain Germany’s future global competitive capacity.

The purpose of the proposed project is to define the potential benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of Industry 4.0 beyond the technical aspects primarily researched so far, but with a special, integrative focus on the economic, ecological and social aspects in their interaction with technological developments and solutions. As part of the project, we will consider the correlations between opportunity and risk on all three levels of sustainability to form a normative model of sustainable value creation that can be differentiated on the basis of different value creation typologies. It will then be possible to outline specific integration strategies for the practical realisation of Industry 4.0.

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AutoCoP: Automated Content-Provisioning through smart control systems

Ein reißender Strom an Zustandsdaten ist das Nebenprodukt moderner Industrieanlagen in der Digitalen Fabrik. Dieser Datenstrom ist Antrieb für digitale industrielle Dienstleistungssysteme, die auf der zeitnahen Datenauswertung fußen. So haben Forscher und Entwickler in Betrieben und an Universitäten zahlreiche Methoden und Techniken für die vorausschauende Wartung von Anlagen entwickelt. Für den klassischen industriellen Aufgabenbereich der Technischen Dokumentation, welche durch die Komplexität modern…

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I4.oT: Interorganizational Interdependencies in Industrial-Internet-of-Things Business Models

IIoT-Lösungen werden häufig im Kontext von Plattform- oder Innovations-Ökosystemen entwickelt. Dabei wandeln sich vertikale Beziehungen zwischen Lieferanten und Kunden zu horizontalen Beziehungen mit anderen Akteuren. Die Motivationen und Interessen aller Akteure im Ökosystem zu balancieren, insbesondere im Hinblick auf existierende Geschäftsmodelle, ist eine zentrale Herausforderung in diesem Kontext. Das Forschungsprojekt entwickelt zu diesem Zweck Frameworks und Modellierungsansätze, um II…

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Cooperation Experience: Software prototypes for perceptible integration

In product service system networks manufacturers and service organizations collaborate for providing customers with individualized solutions. Cooperation Experience focuses on developing a methodology that allows to conceptualize these networks, with a special focus on the required coordination between the participating actors’ tasks. With this method and a supporting test environment, the collaboration between the actors is visualized and the impacts and requirements for inter-organizational information flows and document exchanges are explicated. For supporting the application of the method, reference contents are generated and integrated into the supporting prototypical tools. Within this project, the University of Muenster is responsible for the design and implementation of these software prototypes.


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FlexNet: Flexible Information Systems Architectures for Service Networks


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