
You can apply for a thesis at our chair at any time. For the topic of your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, you can choose to write about one of the following main topics:
  • Service Systems
  • Decision Support
  • Business Process Management
  • Information Management

Please note that we do not normally advertise specific questions/topics.

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Main topics Service Systems Decision Support Business Process Management Information Management
Examples Digital Platforms

Ecosystems Analytics

Platform Ecosystems

Service Engineering

Service Management

Smart Service Systems

Decision Support Systems

Predictive Analytics

Prescriptive Analytics

Process Analytics

Visual Analytics

Adaptive Case Management

Business Process Automation

Process Analytics

Process Mining

Predictive Business Process Monitoring

Information Modelling

Augmentation of Work

Automation of Decision Making

Algorithmic Support

Business Intelligence Architecture


Whether you are allowed to write a thesis at our chair depends on your degree program and the framework or subject examination regulations that apply to you. Below is a selection of the applicable requirements.

For courses that are not listed, you would have to explain when applying why you would like to do a thesis with us and which courses you have already attended with us:


Study program


Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik (BSc) none
Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften (BA) mit Spezialisierung BWL, VWL, Wirtschafts- und Betriebspädagogik, Wirtschaftsinformatik Specialization module completed at the chair or application for an exception
Bachelor Sonstige Bachelorstudiengänge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften Specialization module completed at the chair or application for an exception
Bachelor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit Studienrichtung Maschinenbau oder Elektrotechnik Module taken at the chair or application for an exception
Bachelor International Production Engineering and Management
Module taken at the chair or application for an exception
Master International Information Systems (IIS) none
Master Finance, Auditing, Controlling, Taxation (FACT) Specialization module completed at the chair or application for an exception
Master Management, Marketing, Sozialökonomik, International Business Studies (MIBS) Specialization module completed at the chair or application for an exception
(Passung zum Studiengang muss mit Studienkoordinator abgeklärt werden)
Master Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (MSc) Specialization module completed at the chair or application for an exception
Other study programms Please check the applicable examination regulations in advance and apply.

Process and application

1. Apply for a subject or proactively propose a subject

After choosing a topic, please submit your application via Typeform:
To the application
When contacting us, please explain your interest in the topic and tell us about your specific previous knowledge. Therefore, please write a short paragraph which shows your motivation and qualification and send your CV.

2. Research the subject and write an expose

Second, you learn about writing a thesis in our e-learning modules, familiarize yourself with the topic and write a 3-4 page long exposé (plus cover page and bibliography) with the following content:

b) Method or approach to solving the research question
c) The targeted objective of the thesis
e) Rough schedule with predefined milestones (Gantt-Chart)

3. Fill out the application form

Third, you conduct the registration of the thesis with the final title at the examination office. Therefore, please fill in the registration form and send it to us.

4. Compose the paper and consult regularly

Fourth, you develop a solution for the research question and write the thesis. Please maintain regular contact with your supervisor to report on progress and solve potential problems.

5. Bring paper to examination office

Fifth, you submit the thesis. Furthermore, some degree programs require a final presentation of your findings.

The submission is to be made in duplicate and additionally in digital form (e.g. CD; USB,…). Please discuss further details with your supervisor.

For the printout, the following layout is to use:

  • Cardboard in the color of Wiso (red) or FAU (blue) for the rear side, a transparent sheet for the cover sheet, and a black adhesive binding in between.
  • Double-sided printout

Students of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law please submit their thesis to the examination office, students of the technical faculty (such as WING or IP) please submit their thesis directly to the chair.

Scientific work

We have compiled information on writing a scientific paper in our StudOn course.

E-Learning “Theses”